Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Cookout

Okay, we're trying something. Holiday week; summertime; ready for some variety. We're doing an all church cookout this Wednesday night in place of our regular service/activities. It will start at 7:00pm in the church gym. Stay as long or as little as you like! We're serving grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, watermelon, chips & dip, potato chips, BBQ baked beans, lemonade, & root beer floats. Cost is only $3.00 per person or $10.00 per family. There will even be a few fun activities for the kids.

Events like these are important for fellowship and creating community. Not real sure what the response will be like for this, but we're willing to try it anyway. Our Wednesday night volunteers and ministry leaders will get a break and everyone else will get to enjoy some great food.

Wear your shorts, bring some friends, and come on out Wed., July 2!

1 comment:

debimoon@gmail.com said...

Should be alot of fun! We need some time to just all hang out and have a good time!!