Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Forward Conference in Atlanta

Tonight at church, our youth pastor, Brad Baker, spoke to us on commitment and shared about the Drive Youth Ministries trip to the Forward Conference in Atlanta, Ga. It was an awesome service and it was so great to hear what God is doing in the lives of our young people. Here's a summary of the conference that Pastor Brad shared with us shortly after returning from Atlanta:

Forward '08 was probably the best big event like this we've ever been to. Many times in big arenas w/thousands of people it can seem kind of impersonal, and difficult for personal connection or impact. That was definitely not the case this year.

The theme of the conference was basically to have a personal encounter with God so that you can live out your purpose and impact and bring life-change to the world around you. It's pretty cool because we're in a series right now in youth called Encounter that goes right along with the theme of the weekend.

We stayed in houses this year which made it tons more convenient to hang out and chill with each other. Each night after the services we had a time of reflection back at the houses and allowed our group to share what God had done in their life during the service. It was awesome to hear how each student personalized the messages and the worship times and to hear what was being stirred in their hearts. It wasn't the norm where students talked about their struggles and how God set them free (not that that's a bad thing)...but this weekend it was more outward seems that the students are starting to get it...that God changes them so that then they can go and change their world. --Pastor Brad Baker

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