Friday, March 27, 2009

The Cross: The Arthur Blessitt Story

Yesterday, Jennifer and I went to see the new film "The Cross: the Arthur Blessitt Story." I hadn't read any reviews and wasn't quite sure what to expect.

The story is well done--documentary style--by producer Matt Crouch. The Katinas music is an added bonus.

In the film, we follow Arthur as he begins on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood and carries a wooden cross all over the world for 40 years. It's the story of one man's life, completely surrendered in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Arthur Blessitt's only desire is to serve the Lord by sharing God's love with anyone who will listen.

As I sat there in that theater I was challenged to cultivate an even deeper relationship with Christ. Arthur Blessitt's story will cause you to take a look too. His struggles and challenges, which he calls opportunities, give way for God to do miracles. And God wants to do miracles through your life too.

One of the greatest truths of the movie was the reminder of how simple and powerful the Cross really is. It is a message of God's love to everyone, regardless of race, location, or status. And the Cross is still powerful enough to draw men and women together from every walk of life. It's power is unparalleled and on display as Blessitt walks through wars, jungles, poverty and more. May God bless people like Arthur Blessitt who live a life worth following. This movie should be seen by everyone who calls themselves a believer.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chase The Lion Series

Over the past few days I have been settling into a new house, new church and a new routine. Along with that is trying to find my way around a new city. I have a GPS system, but turn it off on return trips to see if I can find my way back. So far it's about 50/50.

The house is right beside the church which allows me easy access to work. Without my family being here, it is also tempting for me to work more than I should. There is a lot going on and I feel the need to get a handle on things quickly.

Right now I'm in a series of messages based on the book "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day" by Mark Batterson. Mark and I went to college together and he was nice enough to send a short promo video for the start of the series (watch it below). Chase The Lion had a great impact at my former church and I felt it would be a great series leading up to Easter at Faith Chapel. You can listen to part 1- "Defying Odds" here.

The book contains a Lion Chaser's Manifesto, and one part says something similar to, "don't let the bad in you keep you from worshiping the good in Him."

I think that's powerful! Far too many people focus on their shortcomings instead of directing their attention to "the author and perfecter of our faith." What would happen if we focused on God's example instead of our failures? How would that change us? How would that change what we attempted for God?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Go West Young Man

We are heading west! This morning I am leaving home in a moving truck headed for San Diego. With me to help drive is Tony Orlando, youth pastor at Faith Chapel. I am going to try to post some video blogs of our journey, so check back this week to hear more about our trip. I'm also posting on Facebook some photos of my day yesterday as we packed and had a nice BBQ dinner.