Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Just Ask - 10.4.09

This Sunday we began our new series, "Just Ask." We asked everyone in the church to submit their Bible, Theology, or current events questions to be answered in this series. Here are our guidelines for this series:

1. Everyone must vote when given the opportunity.

2. You may abstain from 1 vote/service.

In searching for Truth in the Scripture, we are looking for the

a. Principles that are black and white.

b. Patterns that repeat in the Bible. (shade of gray)

c. Practices that Godly men and women had. (shades of gray)

We kicked off "Just Ask" this week by talking about these questions:

Q: What happens when you actually die?

The soul and body separate. We are spiritual beings that are having a physical experience in this world.

Q: When a person dies, do you go to heaven (if a Christian) or a resting place?

For the Christian...

1. Present with the Lord.

2. Today you will be with Me.

For the Non-Christian

1. Separated eternally from God.

Q: Why does hell exist?

1. God to deal righteously with Satan.

2. God to deal righteously with the unbeliever.

Lessons from Hell

1. The rich man was fully conscious.

2. His eternal destiny was irrevocably fixed.

3. He knew what was experiencing was just.

4. He became interested in Missions.

Q: What will Hell be like?

1. Unspeakable sorrow

2. Unsatisfied cravings

3. Unquenchable Flames of Fire

4. Eternal separation from loved ones

5. Hell is forever

Bottom line is


Join us this coming Sunday when we answer more questions about Heaven.