Friday, July 11, 2008

Kids in Worship

Pastor Brian is doing a series on God's Passion for CHILDREN. Below is a video of what Pastor spoke about this past week.

Personally, I love to see kids in a worship service at church! One reason is because sometimes they scream, laugh, or cry out loud letting me know at least someone is alive! Honestly, I think it's cool to see kids worship. They may not understand everything about worship - neither do I - but they are willing to give their all! Many times they will watch someone else to see what they do. Once they see someone raise their hands, the kid's hands go in the air; if someone is not afraid to sing out, soon you'll be able to hear the kid's voice. (By the way, don't you wish you could memorize songs as easily as kids do!) I enjoy watching them worship with everything they have. No matter who has picked on them, if their friends still like them, or what kind of clothes they are wearing, kids tend to be all in the moment! Remember that we are setting an example for our kids in everything we do.

Lord, remind us that we are teaching our children what it means to be a Christian even during our worship services. Help us to teach our children to worship You no matter what!

1 comment: said...

Great message this morning by Pastor Brian. We have such great kids at Englewood :)