Saturday, July 26, 2008

New York Dream Center

The Church That Never Sleeps Meets The City That Never Sleeps!

Pastor Matthew Barnett and the L.A. Dream Center are launching a second location in New York City. Grand Opening services are Monday, August 11-2008. Joyce Meyer will be the guest speaker at the American Airlines Theater in Times Square.

We've taken several missions trips to the New York area over the years. In fact, the first trip Brian & I took as youth pastors was to help a church plant in that area. I'll never forget the young people we took (now adults!) and how God moved in our lives that week. You know, most of the time, missions trips seem to grow the people on the trips more than help the church or ministry host. That's kinda just the way it works. I believe God is pleased both ways. All that being said, maybe we'll get a chance to take another team to NY one of these days. It's an amazing experience.

Here is a great video clip of Pastor Matthew talking about being a "Risk-Taker" and how God brought about the opportunity for the NY Dream Center:

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