Thursday, March 13, 2008

You Give Love A Bad Name

They're out there people. Check out this rant by Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona:

BTW, the church he refers to is NewSpring Church in Anderson, SC; pastor Perry Noble. Here is a link to their "Crank it Up" series.


Anonymous said...

I hope that when they go to the nursing home that people are receptive the the truth....That would be a good start for him...its just to bad he puts God in a box when God created it all anyway to be used for His glory! (it's non tech savvy)

Anonymous said...

Can you believe it the singers were not wearing colors that matched and they had jeans on.

Anonymous said...

Whoa.... KJV only I would be in some trouble in this church. I also noticed he has a sermon on "Why Billy Graham will go to Hell" I could not click on it but it seems Billy Graham is also on his blacklist. That is a powerful statement to make. Seems like God would be the one to know that not him????

Anonymous said...

It's relly quite sad that he feels this way. I'm sure that God needs this guys way of getting the gospel out too. Too bad he spends time bashing instead of building. Should it not be all about building the kingdom of God? Maybe we should pray that the Holy Spirit convicts him, and humbles him so he can further the soul count in heaven!

Anonymous said...

Did you see that Matthew Barnett spoke at New spring on April 4, 2007?

Jennifer said...

No, I didn't. But I know Perry Noble has spoken at the Dream Center.