Monday, March 3, 2008

American Idol...Who Ya Got?

Well, I admit it. I do enjoy watching American Idol. From the ratings, I guess I'm not alone. Our DVR is set to record it, so I ususally end up watching it around 11pm. It's still cheesy even that late. At least I can fast forward the commercials.

My favorites so far are Mr. All-American Happy Boy, David Archuleta (above) for the guys and rocker Carly Smithson (below) for the girls. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

David should win hands down if this was strickley a vocal competion...He may have to step up on preformance to compete with some more experience...but Carly? Not my fav... I have to take Asiah...she was my favorite from the get go....We will see! Not being to tech savvy I am going in as anonymous... its easier.

Jennifer said...

Dear non-tech savvy anonymous,
IMO, David seems to have the audience wrapped around his little finger every time he performs, so if performance is connecting with the audience...he's got it. I don't really know why I like Carly. I know it's an odd choice. Maybe she's the anti-David (?). Thanks for the input!!

Anonymous said...

Well I guess Asish is Going Home:( I think that Brooke might be gaining some points... she really has a unique style. We will see... there is some talent this year.

Jennifer said...

is it me, or does Brooke seem old (er)?? She's cool and all, but she looks about 35. So glad I don't have to watch D.Noriega pick his fingernails on national TV anymore...

Anonymous said...

You and about every one else I know on the Danny boy kid....Yes I do think Brook looks older... but she is only 24...I do think she has had some solid weeks...Okay, I admit Carly did a great job on Beatles week... Yet Brooke did a fine job too. David Cook is looking very solid and confident, I think this weeks big stage intimidated David A.(the kid) a little. Time will tell now. At least they are all pretty good not like last year.

Jennifer said...

David A. looked like he was sick last night. He bombed. David Cook was awesome! Carly was good, but Brooke was better. It's fun to watch.