Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Runaway Bear

Well, our youngest- Braeden "Bear" Ross, checked himself out of his suite at the Ross Hotel early Tuesday morning. He got dressed (shorts, Pirates of Caribbean tee, Heely's) and left between 7:00 - 7:30am.

He did not think anyone was home (Dad & brother were home but crashed in the basement after a late night of Guitar Hero; Mom was downtown KC at an awards breakfast). So, he went door to door searching for someone to come babysit him.
Above: the perpetrator was seen at IHOP earlier in the week eating "Who Cakes" w/green eggs & ham

He came back safe and sound, but didn't tell us this story until about 9:00pm while he was taking his bath. My freak out: You did Whaaaaaattt??????!!!!!!!! BRIANNNNNN!!!!! I need some Tums.

We figured this might happen with him; but not until his teens. God help us.


Anonymous said...

Oh my, he must take after his
Happy Birthday to you huh???
I hope you have a great Birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

Thats too Funny !!!! I love that Boy !!!
Happy Birthday Jen !!!

joshua said...

Oh! The stories of our youth, I am sure this one will be retold several times down through the ages. Braeden is awesome!

Happy Birthday Jennifer, from the Kobe's!