Truth is, most families are very active these days. And although the following concepts are nothing new, here are some ideas to help you succeed at being busy:
- Be Organized. This not only includes coordinating schedules, but meals. Take a look at the week in advance and plan it out. Realize your steps are directed by the Lord. Also, when adding something else to your busy calendar, don't just look for an open date and fill it. Look at the week before and the week after. If it's the only open date then don't fill it. Leave it open for some down time. Use Peripheral Calendar Vision! We have learned this the hard way.
- Communicate. This goes for spouses and older kids. The family schedule needs to be communicated to avoid overlaps & mishaps. When our 12-year old, Joe, is aware of our family schedule, he is less likely to nag us about going places or doing certain things. We try to be flexible, but he knows there are just certain commitments that are non-negotiables. And by the way, we are always emphasizing to him that he is not yet in charge of his own life---his Dad & Mom are!! Check out Kid CEO, by Ed Young.
- Prioritize. Church and homework are priorities with us. We're far from perfect, but we do try to keep the main thing, the main thing. And the main thing is serving God; not your schedule- Matt. 6:33. On the flip side, don't get caught in the trap of legalism and think that your priorities will never be trumped. As pastors, sometimes our "priority" activities or family time gets trumped by other things that require attention such as an important phone call, hospital visit, or emergency meeting. As parents, we have to carefully balance priorities vs. activities, without making our kids feel constantly restricted. We try to be real and flexible. If you have truly emphasized your priorities, your regular schedule will always bounce back to them.
- Take Time for God. When you have a stressful or busy week, it's good to spend extra time praying for your family's focus, strength, and unity. Also, listen to worship music when you're getting ready in the mornings or driving in the car. Even just 5 minutes in the presence of God can bring your spirit rest and peace. Read Matthew 11:29.
- Be Peaceful. Did you know, you can still be really busy but carry a peaceful spirit? As spouses, if we are not at peace with each other, especially during the ultra-busy times, then it's going to be chaos for the family. Also, you must stay true to your "family meter" to preserve peace. What's right for some families may not be right for yours. If a full schedule is approached through an attitude of peace, then we are able to accomplish what we needed to accomplish...minus the ulcer! 2 Timothy 2:23-24 says, " servants of the Lord we must not be quarrelsome, but mild-tempered, preserving the bond of peace."
Remember, your "mega-busyness" should be relatively temporary or seasonal. If your schedule is running you, instead of you running your schedule, then it may be time to re-evaluate certain activities and priorities. I didn't list this but...learn to Enjoy Your Schedule. Embrace every meeting or activity as an opportunity and enjoy your life. God will help us with being busy as long as we seek Him first!
Quit complaining about being busy and start succeeding at being busy!
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