We had a
cra-zazy busy stretch recently, how about you? Not to bore you, but I thought I would give you a peek at our family life the past week or so:
Monday, Feb. 25- dinner & homework after school; 8:30pm - Joe's Jr. High Boys Basketball Game at Pembroke Hill School down by the plaza. Brian and Kevin filled in as coaches, because our head coach had to work. Our guys played great and advanced to the semi-finals, winning 44-28.
Tues.- dinner & homework after school; 5:30-7:00pm- Joe's baseball practice in L.S.
Wed.- (no homework day a.k.a. "TGIW") Baseball practice after school. Met for quick family dinner at Red Robin; Church - Brian had an AWESOME message on "Dealing With Unforgiveness". Order it.
Thursday- Jr. High Boys BB practice after school; 5:30pm- Brian's bored, I mean board mtg. :) dinner & homework at home
Friday- 4:00-5pm -Hitting league. 7:00-8:30pm-Baseball team parents mtg & Joe's baseball practice. We had dinner with some friends in between. Joe had a baseball teammate spend the night.
Saturday - 7:00-8:30am - Joe's baseball team conditioning workout with former Royals player, Les Norman, in Lee's Summit. 10:00am-12:00pm Jr. High Boys BB practice. Joe went to the KC Brigade home opener. Brian studied at the church. Watched KU whup K-State.
Sun.- Church!
Monday, Mar. 3- dinner & homework after school; Jr. High Boys BB semi-final game at 8:00pm at Pembroke Hill. Skipped baseball practice. We lost :(
Okay. Now, this is REALLY busy, even for us. The overlapping sports really bog you down. But we know it's not permanent. Our weekly schedule will lighten up a bit soon.
Do you ever have weeks like this? I'm sure you do. All the non-sports people reading this are probably going, "just drop the sports-it's too much!" Every family has different interests and a different "family tempo". We like sports and believe in the positive impact.
I share this with you so you can see we are a normal family, with normal struggles & challenges. We are not perfect parents or perfect spouses. Our kids are not perfect. Our calendar is not perfect. But we enjoy life and navigate it by being Christ-centered. That is our strength, foundation, and motivation.
Tomorrow I'll talk about "5 Ways To Succeed At Being Busy".