Monday, January 14, 2008

Daniel Fast, week 2

This is an exciting time for us at Englewood. We had a record number of people turn in commitment cards joining the 21 day Daniel Fast. I firmly believe, when a church begins to fast and pray, spiritual renewal comes.

The first 1/3 of our fasting is over and undoubtedly you have experienced some hunger, temptation, frustration, and maybe even some stomach issues. But I hope that as you deny your flesh, your spirit is coming alive in you. I pray that Christ is making Himself known to you in a new and fresh way.

During this second week, you should be able to settle in a bit. I have found that during the second week, my body has adjusted; and as I spend more time with the Lord, He begins to reveal His purpose and plan to me.

I also pray that you haven't given up on the fast. If you have, re-evaluate what went wrong and begin again. This time, try to take it a little further. Ask the Lord for strength, both spiritually and physically. Rely upon Him for the grace to make it. Remember, Jesus told us, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." So get up and try again. "Though a righteous man stumbles seven times, he gets up again."

Also, fasting without prayer is only a diet. Don't forget the most important part, spending time with God. Practice being in His presence through His word, in worship and through prayer itself. During this process you are learning to rely upon the Lord. May God richly bless you this week!

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