Monday, January 21, 2008

Angie's Black Bean Soup

Okay, so most of us know Angie Rice can cook. But Sunday, she cooked. Daniel Fast or not, her Black Bean Soup was off-- the-- charts! Many people asked for the recipe so here it is.

We had a great turnout for our first ever Daniel Fast Luncheon on Sunday. We served the soup, fresh veges, fresh fruit salad, cantaloupe, bananas, salad; and hot dogs with nachos & cookie for the kids.

Brian & I came up with the idea to bless people who were on the fast with a great meal that they wouldn't have to cook. I had a great time hanging out in the kitchen. A huge thanks to Pat & Angie Rice, Ainsley & Kat Rice, Brenda Prince, Denise Pace & Liburty Smith-she's everywhere :) who all worked hard to make it happen!


Liburty said...

My family always has a great time of fun and fellowship with our Englewood family! The lunch yesturday was absolutely WONDERFUL!! Angie - you ROCK!! The soup was great! If you missed out on the soup and fellowship yesturday then you missed out on a good time with good food!! This soup was so good that I am making it again tonight with a few changes - no I don't mean meat - I am adding more veggies and brown rice and we are looking forward to this meal more then any other we have prepared this far!! The best thing about this soup is that it is not just a meal for during the fast - it is good enough to eat ANYTIME! I won't lie - after the fast meat and cheese will be added at our house but for now it is wonderful just the way it is!! Janah wants me to leave a message from her that she had fun yesturday and that the cookie was good! As far as cookies go...I have girl scout cookies with next Sunday's date on them!! Love JC, Liburty and family

Jennifer said...

Thanks for always being there to help, are a servant