Sunday, January 27, 2008

Creating Community

There's a saying... "people that pray together, and play together, stay together." What this says to me is that community promotes unity. We could apply this theory to our marriages, families, etc. as well as to the church. To create community in the church, you've got to create opportunities.

Attending worship services, praying and worshiping shoulder to shoulder fosters a "spiritual community". That's because The Great Uniter, as promised, is always present; Read what the Bible says about it.

Opportunities such as family fun nights, all church meals, serving in ministry, specific group outings, conferences, camps, retreats, fellowship groups, meeting for coffee, having people over for dinner, etc. foster a "relational community"; Read what the Bible says about it.

I believe you can't have one without the other. Are we truly spiritual if we lack in the relationships with our fellow believers? Will our relationships ever reach their full potential unless we have a contagious passion for God and being in His presence?

There is no formula on earth that will keep an entire church together forever. People move in and people move out. We can't control it. But as leaders, what we can do is try to create the best community possible by opening up opportunities. This presents a welcoming atmosphere to the unbeliever, and an encouraging environment to the church body.

I became a pastor's wife at age 22, and a senior pastor's wife at age 30. In the early years--and we may still be in the early years :) , I had a hard enough time just navigating life and ministry let alone worrying about creating community. But as I grow in experience and in the Lord, the more I realize how vital community is to the health of a church. I find myself constantly thinking of ways and ideas to create community at Englewood.

I want to challenge all of you to do the same. Take advantage of church events. Schedule lunch with another family after Sunday services. Have some people over for dinner. Catch a movie. Meet for coffee. Decide this week to find a way to create community in your life. I pray God will put the right people in your heart and will anoint your thoughts and ideas!

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