Sunday, January 27, 2008

Creating Community

There's a saying... "people that pray together, and play together, stay together." What this says to me is that community promotes unity. We could apply this theory to our marriages, families, etc. as well as to the church. To create community in the church, you've got to create opportunities.

Attending worship services, praying and worshiping shoulder to shoulder fosters a "spiritual community". That's because The Great Uniter, as promised, is always present; Read what the Bible says about it.

Opportunities such as family fun nights, all church meals, serving in ministry, specific group outings, conferences, camps, retreats, fellowship groups, meeting for coffee, having people over for dinner, etc. foster a "relational community"; Read what the Bible says about it.

I believe you can't have one without the other. Are we truly spiritual if we lack in the relationships with our fellow believers? Will our relationships ever reach their full potential unless we have a contagious passion for God and being in His presence?

There is no formula on earth that will keep an entire church together forever. People move in and people move out. We can't control it. But as leaders, what we can do is try to create the best community possible by opening up opportunities. This presents a welcoming atmosphere to the unbeliever, and an encouraging environment to the church body.

I became a pastor's wife at age 22, and a senior pastor's wife at age 30. In the early years--and we may still be in the early years :) , I had a hard enough time just navigating life and ministry let alone worrying about creating community. But as I grow in experience and in the Lord, the more I realize how vital community is to the health of a church. I find myself constantly thinking of ways and ideas to create community at Englewood.

I want to challenge all of you to do the same. Take advantage of church events. Schedule lunch with another family after Sunday services. Have some people over for dinner. Catch a movie. Meet for coffee. Decide this week to find a way to create community in your life. I pray God will put the right people in your heart and will anoint your thoughts and ideas!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Daniel Fast: 7 Steps To Success, part 4

Today is the conclusion of this week's blog series on The Daniel Fast. For more information on our fast, click here. To download all 7 Steps To Success, click here.

**Read Daniel chapter 1


Daniel was making a statement of faith when he asked for only vegetables to eat and water to drink, then dared the overseer to compare the appearance of the four sons of Israel with the young men who ate the king’s food.


Why are some foods good for us, and other foods not? What does certain food do to your body? If we really knew, there would likely be some things we would never eat again.


Daniel said, “as you see fit, deal with your servants” (Dan. 1:13). REMEMBER:

• The Daniel Fast will lead to spiritual insight. “to those four young men God gave knowledge”.

• The Daniel Fast is longer than one day. These young men fasted for ten days.

• The Daniel Fast is a partial fast. They ate, but only vegetables and water.

• The Daniel Fast requires abstinence from party or junk foods.

• There is no indication that they ever began to eat the king’s food.

Resource- "Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough: A Guide To Nine Biblical Fasts" by Elmer L. Towns.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Daniel Fast: 7 Steps To Success, part 3


Read James 5:13-16

• Sin is something related to the cause of sickness.
• Lack of health/healing may be the result of spiritual rebellion.
• Lack of health/healing may be due to sin of wrong intake, i.e. drugs, pornography.
• Repentance is linked to health, according to James.
• Elders have a role in healing both spiritual and physical health.
• Sick people must desire to be well.
• The anointing oil could mean:

1. medicine for healing,
2. symbolic of the Holy Spirit, or
3. it could be baptism

• Prayer alone may not gain healing; faith is the major factor.
• In the Greek, there are several words for “sick”. James uses “kanino”, which not only includes disease, but also means weak or weary.
• Attitude is important. James said, “are there any among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms.”

Read about our 21-day Daniel Fast here.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Daniel Fast: 7 Steps To Success, part 2


Many people have an inner desire for better health, but they can’t discipline themselves to avoid junk food, and other foods that are not good for health. The physical health you seek from God may be more than an answer to prayer. Your physical health may be linked to any of the following factors:

  1. Your food choices
  2. The level of your spiritual commitment as reflected in constant prayer during the fast.
  3. Your time commitment. If you determine to fast for a certain time, keep it. For example, if you determine to fast 10 days, don’t stop on Day 9.
  4. Your testimony commitment. Your fast is a statement of faith to God that you want Him to heal your body. Faith is foundational to the Daniel Fast.

Click here for steps #1 & #2.

Click here to learn more about our fast.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Daniel Fast: 7 Steps To Success

This week I'll be doing a blog series on "Daniel Fast: 7 Steps To Success". Click here to learn more about our fast.

Most of this information is from the book “Fasting For Spiritual Breakthrough: A Guide to Nine Biblical Fasts” by Elmer L. Towns. Not on the fast? It's never too late! Join us for this final week and you will discover that this is something you can do. Fasting combined with prayer, can lead to a great spiritual breakthrough in your life.

Why live the same old life, facing the same old problems? Begin Moving Forward in 2008 by disciplining yourself and humbling yourself before the Lord.

Daniel Fast: 7 Steps To Success:

STEP #1- BE SPECIFIC Daniel was not vague in his objection to the Babylonian diet. He defined the problem immediately.

1. The king’s food was against dietary laws.
2. Daniel and his friends had vowed against wine.
3. The king’s food had been offered up to idols/demons.

STEP #2 - FAST AS A SPIRITUAL COMMITMENT The Daniel Fast involves a spiritual commitment to God. “Daniel proposed in his heart that he would not defile himself” (Dan. 1:8).

Monday, January 21, 2008

Angie's Black Bean Soup

Okay, so most of us know Angie Rice can cook. But Sunday, she cooked. Daniel Fast or not, her Black Bean Soup was off-- the-- charts! Many people asked for the recipe so here it is.

We had a great turnout for our first ever Daniel Fast Luncheon on Sunday. We served the soup, fresh veges, fresh fruit salad, cantaloupe, bananas, salad; and hot dogs with nachos & cookie for the kids.

Brian & I came up with the idea to bless people who were on the fast with a great meal that they wouldn't have to cook. I had a great time hanging out in the kitchen. A huge thanks to Pat & Angie Rice, Ainsley & Kat Rice, Brenda Prince, Denise Pace & Liburty Smith-she's everywhere :) who all worked hard to make it happen!

I Have A Dream

Have you ever watched the entire "I Have A Dream" speech by MLK? I have to say, I don't think I ever have. Of course, we've all heard the more famous excerpts and quotes. But here is the entire speech. It's about 17 minutes long, but very educational, inspirational, historical, and definitely worth your time:

Royals Fan Fest

We took a family night last Friday and checked out the first ever Royals Fan Fest at the Overland Park Convention Center (above are Brian, Joe, & Braeden with Royals pitcher Brian Bannister). If you know us very well, you know we love sports and we love Royals baseball. So this was right up our alley!

We snagged some free T-shirts, got a signed copy of Joe Posnanski's book on Buck O'Neil (research paper for Joe), and got a TON of player autographs. It's great having something in common that we all enjoy!

above: Brian with Kevin Barron, who sings on the worship team at our church. Kevin is an usher on the club level for the Royals during the season and was working the Fan Fest.

Above: my personal fave: (take a deep breath ) Mark Grudzielanek

Braeden taking a cut

Friday, January 18, 2008

What We've Been Eating

So here's what we've been eating. I figured even if you aren't on the Daniel Fast, you might be interested. If you are on the fast, it's probably not unlike what you are eating yourself. Here it is anyway:

-Stir fry veges (squash, zucc., mushrooms, onions, asparagus, broc., caul.) w/brown rice. This is our *special* meal. When we eat this we think we're at Houston's! A little bit. Not really.

-stove popped popcorn (Brian's specialty) w/sea salt.

-Sliced apples with organic peanut butter
-Sliced apples baked in the oven with cinnamon & honey

-Potato/corn soup from the Daniel recipes
-Organic corn chips with organic guacamole (our favorite!) or chips w/organic salsa

-Fruit smoothies

-Sliced potatoes baked in olive oil with soy butter, sea salt, and parsley
-Ezekiel cinnamon raisin bread with soy butter

-Baked potatoes with non-dairy organic sour cream

-vegetable soup

-sliced sweet potatoes baked with soy butter and cinnamon

-I have been drinking water w/lemon or lime slices-about 6-7 glasses a day and taking the multi-vitamin that I always take. Brian's drinking water along with some all natural juices.

There's more, but you get it-- it's boring. We're doing our best!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Believe Again

This past Monday night I had the privilege of speaking at New Life Church in Oak Grove, MO. Pastor Jack Blansit is a good friend and I always count it a huge honor to be in someone's pulpit.

It was night #1 of a prayer and worship revival the church was hosting. Tuesday night, Todd Matchett from Grandview Assembly was the guest speaker and Wednesday night was Jason St. John from Evangel Temple. These churches have outstanding ministries and are reaching people for the Kingdom. So I was especially honored to be a part of this conference. And I really want to thank Pastor Ryan & Sarah Elrod and everyone from Englewood who came out to support me. You really encouraged me!

The title of my message was "Believe Again." In order to believe again, we must find our way into God's presence.

1. Reading and meditating on the Word of God
2. Praise and worship
3. Prayer and intercession

I wanted to be a "lid lifter" and encourage people to start where they are. I feel like many people don't pray or aren't motivated to pray because they feel like their prayers aren't being heard or answered. Another reason is that people hear their pastor or others pray and feel lke they don't measure up. Don't try to pray like the pastor or anybody else; just be yourself.

When it comes to prayer, I have some core convictions. I shared these two:

1. Don't pray to have your needs met, pray to be changed in His presence. Scripture tells us that God already knows our needs (Mt. 6:7,8). The closer I get to the Lord, the more I realize that its His desire to transform me. And nothing changes us like being in His presence.

2. When you pray you must believe. It's that child-like faith that moves God's hand the most. A total dependence and belief that He will do it! Scripture says, "Without faith it is impossible to please God
'' (Heb. 11:6). Many times in Christ's life we find Him saying, "According to your faith, be it unto you."

It is our positive expectation that opens the doorway to answered prayer. It's what Zechariah calls being "prisoners of hope" (Zech. 9:12).

So the challenge is this: What are you going to start to Believe Again for? Friends & family? Physical healing? An unfulfilled dream? Financial provision? It's time to BELIEVE AGAIN! Take a moment to go to the Lord right now.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Apostles' Creed

During Part 1 of the Evolution of Faith series on Sunday, we looked at the first two words of the Apostles' Creed (download it here) which starts, "I believe." The early church fathers were asking us to make a bold statement filled with conviction, "I believe." It's not a statement of fact, or a presumption that something might occur. No, it's a personal proclamation of individual experience and truth.

One of the meanings for the word "believe," in the New Testament is "to step into something or someone." To step into the fullness of Christ's mighty power and wonderful grace is a declaration of faith that is summed up in two simple words, "I believe."

This week, make your testimony clear and known. It may or may not take words. Know what you believe and why you believe it. But more importantly, know in whom you believe. Paul said, "I know whom I have believed." Totally surrender your life to Christ by stepping into Christ. He tells us, "If you abide in me and my word abides in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given unto you."

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

TPC Blog

Pastor Kevin Gamber of Turning Point Church has a great post today on "Island Dwellers". Check it out here.


This is my suggestion for a new illustrated message - "iPeel". Seriously. We have been doing a lot of this lately. Squash, potatoes, apples, oranges, zucchini, etc. I'm sick of it :) . I'm ready for some chicken in my stir fry. I'm ready for some steak with my baked potato. I want a piece of pizza....with a Coke.

Nobody said fasting was easy. But, we're not going back. We're moving ahead. We're not giving up. I am actually appreciating the added discipline that 21 days of prayer & fasting brings. It takes a big commitment. We joke about our hunger, but Brian and I are believing God for some unbelievable things in our family, our finances, our personal lives, and in our church. We know you are too. Please know that we are praying for you!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Speaking at New Life A/G

Just want to invite everyone out to New Life Church (Pastor Jack Blansit) in Oak Grove, Missouri tonight. Brian will be speaking at 7pm as part of their Worship & Prayer Revival. God has given him a great message entitled, "Believe Again".

6-7 pm - Live Worship & Prayer

7pm- Message begins

For directions click here

Daniel Fast, week 2

This is an exciting time for us at Englewood. We had a record number of people turn in commitment cards joining the 21 day Daniel Fast. I firmly believe, when a church begins to fast and pray, spiritual renewal comes.

The first 1/3 of our fasting is over and undoubtedly you have experienced some hunger, temptation, frustration, and maybe even some stomach issues. But I hope that as you deny your flesh, your spirit is coming alive in you. I pray that Christ is making Himself known to you in a new and fresh way.

During this second week, you should be able to settle in a bit. I have found that during the second week, my body has adjusted; and as I spend more time with the Lord, He begins to reveal His purpose and plan to me.

I also pray that you haven't given up on the fast. If you have, re-evaluate what went wrong and begin again. This time, try to take it a little further. Ask the Lord for strength, both spiritually and physically. Rely upon Him for the grace to make it. Remember, Jesus told us, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." So get up and try again. "Though a righteous man stumbles seven times, he gets up again."

Also, fasting without prayer is only a diet. Don't forget the most important part, spending time with God. Practice being in His presence through His word, in worship and through prayer itself. During this process you are learning to rely upon the Lord. May God richly bless you this week!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Evolution of Faith Series

I'm starting a new 3-part message series this Sunday, called "Evolution of Faith". We will be looking at the origins of our faith, why we believe what we believe, and faith's overall evolution from creation to the cross.

In Christian circles, when we hear the word "evolution", it automatically sparks negative thoughts. That is because most people associate the word with it's secondary definition..."the historical development of a biological group."

But Webster's primary definition for evolution is simply ..."a process of change in a certain direction."

Faith has changed since the beginning of creation. God sent His Son to earth and everything changed.

Our personal faith should also be a continual process of change. Not in our fundamentals, but in width and depth. We should strive to broaden our faith through learning and serving. We should strive to deepen our faith through prayer, fasting, and knowing God's Word.

See you on Sunday at 9:00am or 10:45am for part 1 of "Evolution of Faith."

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The A.R.K. Challenge

Just before Christmas break, our Children's Pastor, Amy Bales, issued an Acts of Random Kindness Challenge (ARK) to the elementary students in our school.

One of the challenges was hospital/nursing home visitation. Our 6th grade son, Joe, got to do that recently with Pastor Claude Cowan of Eastpoint Family Church.

It's great to encourage people to step outside of themselves and into someone else's world. We get so caught up in our jobs, homework, sports practices, hobbies, activities, church life, family life, that it's good to be re-directed once in a while to caring for others. Sometimes it takes an intentional assignment to get us going.

In John chapter 9, Jesus made this statement to his disciples, "We need to be energetically at work for the One who sent me here, working while the sun shines (while we're alive)."

You know, the Bible is God's "assignment book" to us. We should read it. Memorize it. Know what our assignments are. Do it. Get going.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Theme for 2008: Moving Forward

This is our second shot at having a church "theme" for the year. We did an "Overhaulin" theme for 2007 (Romans 12:2); and it was truly a year of change! I'm really excited about our "Moving Forward" theme for '08.

I believe our year of "overhaulin" was necessary to move forward. In fact, you can never really quit changing in your quest to get beyond where you are. We have much more changing to do in the midst of moving forward in our personal lives and in the church.

Change is the catalyst of growth (catalyst= "provides or speeds significant change or action") . Some changes will be refreshing; some will be difficult. Some will be difficult and refreshing! On Sunday, as we introduced the Moving Forward theme, I gave 4 main areas we must move forward in:
  1. Relationship with God - Matthew 6:35
  2. Community
  3. Outreach
  4. Worship Expression

My prayer for you and for Englewood Ministries is that we allow God to stretch us in every area of our lives in 2008, and that He will be our guide in Moving Forward.

Our theme verse for Moving Forward is Philippians 3:12-14. The title Moving Forward comes from a song by our former worship leader, Ricardo Sanchez. The song is powerful and is one of my absolute favorites. Get the entire "Moving Forward" CD (released July '07) here.

Click here to watch the Ricardo "moving forward" music video

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Open for Prayer

Just a reminder that the church is open for prayer this week, Jan. 7-11, from 6am-7am and from 7pm-8pm.

Moving Forward music video

"Moving Forward" (Phil. 3:12-14) is our church's annual theme for 2008. Here is a music video of the song "Moving Forward".

Artist: Ricardo Sanchez

Buy the DVD/CD here

Monday, January 7, 2008

21-Day All Church Prayer & Fasting

Today begins a 21-Day journey of prayer & fasting for Englewood Ministries. We are entering into this spiritual time asking God to bless both our private lives and our church.

There are different types of fasting. Total fasting, partial fasting, Wesley fast (until 3pm daily), etc. I am suggesting a partial fast, called a "Daniel" Fast. No meat, bread, sugar. Only water & natural juice to drink. As always consult your doctor with any medical concerns. And listen to God as He gives you specific direction for your situation.

In order to see a breakthrough in any area of your life, fasting must be accompanied by reading the Bible and praying. Below you can download our daily prayer guide. Use these Scriptures to kick off your daily prayer time and keep you on track.

Below is a copy of the commitment card we used on Sunday. Many were turned in already, but feel free to download it and post it in your home, car, desk, whereever. Just send us an e-mail letting us know you're participating in some capacity, because we want to pray over you during this time.

I will be posting more about our time of Prayer & Fasting in the days to come. Guys, this journey will not be easy. It can be hard to give up the foods we love. It may cause headaches, irritability, etc. You may not feel like praying. But press on. Accomplish your goal. Stretch yourself. Stay fresh in God's Word. Keep moving forward.

Download 21-Day Prayer Guide

Download Daniel Fasting Recipes

Download Commitment Card

Download "What is a Daniel Fast?"

As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions that haven't been answered here.

I'll see you Wed., Jan. 9 @ 7pm for a very special Prayer Service!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Guitar Hero

Well, we finally caught up to the rest of the world and got to play Guitar Hero III on New Year's Eve. It was OK.

Just kidding--it was awesome! It is very addictive and a lot of fun. We definitely stuck to the Easy Mode though.

We had a great time hanging out on New Year's Eve playing cards, pool, GHIII, and of course eating. It's always great to bring in 2008 with good friends!

The pictures are of Brian, Amber Miller (top left), and Ronda Day

Friday, January 4, 2008

All Pro Dad

All father's & children (boys & girls) are invited to our inaugural community All Pro Dad's Day. This is a one hour breakfast where fathers and their children meet with other dads & kids at a designated community location. At this gathering they discuss a wide range of family topics, spend time together and are equipped with resources to strengthen their relationship. Click here for our date, time, location.

All Pro Dad's Day is for Dads-to-be, New Dads, Dads of Toddlers, Dads of Tikes, Dads of Tweens, Dads of Teens, Dads of Twenties, Dads of Dads, Single Dads, Step Dads, Dads of Adopted Children, etc.

All Pro Dad's Day includes:

I first discovered the All Pro Dad program while reading Tony Dungy's new book Quiet Strength. Immediately, I knew God was speaking to me about this.

One of the things I like the most is that it's a community program, not a church program. We don't meet in a church and it's open to the public. I'm really looking forward to making a community impact through this new program. Guys, I encourage you to be involved--you're a Dad forever!

Would you do me a favor? Would you invite all the Dads in your world to this event by forwarding this post to them? Remember, All Pro Dad's Day is a community program, open to everyone. I truly believe that together, we can make a great difference in our community. If you have any questions please contact me at Thanks for your help!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Year's Questions

Pastor Dave Ferguson of Community Christian Church in the Chicago area recently posted 6 Questions For Discovering Your God-Given Possibilities. He uses these questions as sort of a year end self evaluation. I am posting just the basic questions, but if you want the descriptive comments (they're good) click here.
  1. What is my PURPOSE?
  2. What is my PASSION?
  3. What are the POSITIONS I hold?
  4. What are the POSSIBILITIES for my future?
  5. What is the PATH for making that future possible?
  6. What is my PLAN for this coming year?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Late Night with DRIVE

Is it weird that bowling is still cool??? At least I think it's still cool...except the shoes. Around 75 students & sponsors crashed Lunar Bowl for "Drive-In '08...A Late Night with Drive Youth Ministry." Thanks to Pastor Brad & Heather Baker for leading our youth ministry!