Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Week 3 "Love Deeper"

As of Sunday, we were almost to the halfway mark in our 30 day spiritual journey called, "Live Like You Were Dying." It has been amazing to dive into Scripture and learn about some very important issues in our lives. Sunday was no different. The topic was "love deeper." Two important and powerful words, especially when used together.

What could be more important than this topic? God revealed His great love to us through His Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16). And Christ demonstrated that love by dying in our place (Romans 5:8). We must take God's love and reflect it to those who are hurting and dying without hope. That's our mandate!

There are three action steps we are trying to keep before us this entire week...

1. Do the unexpected- When you do, you will never be forgotten.
2. Do the unaffordable- Christ paid a very high price for you and me.
3. Do it now- You aren't promised tomorrow, so don't wait.

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