This past Saturday was another great Englewood night. Pastor Brad Oyler and Pastor Amy Bales headed up two different teams that went out and placed door hangers on local homes inviting them to our 12th annual Thanksgiving outreach. They passed out approximately 2,500 door hangers, and we prayed and waited for the community to come.
The service and give-a-ways were scheduled to start at 6:00 p.m., but people began to arrive a little before 4:oo p.m. At one point, the line went up and around the corner. We had 643 people register with many others coming to the service unregistered. All in all, we had over 700 people show up. But that's not the best part.
The service started with the band and media departments doing an awesome job, and then I followed with a simple illustrated message. After the message was over, nearly 70 people came forward to accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. And that's why we do it!
Afterwards, we gave away approximately 150 turkeys and 200 boxes of food. This allowed us to minister not just in word, but also in deed. This year was the smoothest in moving the people from registration to service to food lines. A BIG THANK YOU to all who gave, assisted and ministered to our community. I am very proud of you and of what God is doing through our church.