Friday, September 12, 2008

Worship Changes

We are excited to announce slight changes to our Sunday services. Beginning October 5th, the first service will begin at 8:45 am and will include a worship set that captures the heart of God through a mix of hymns and contemporary songs. You will hear the same practical and relevant messages you’ve come to expect, but now preceded by a slightly different worship set.

The 10:45 am service will be designed to reach both a younger audience and the unchurched. We will use all of the audio/video/& lighting tools we currently have available to create an environment that appeals more to today’s culture.

Both services will be prayerfully planned and implemented as God directs. My heart is to create environments that increase your worship experience. Scripture says, “God inhabits the praises of His people.” So when you enter into deeper worship, you multiply God’s manifest presence in your life.

Just as a missionary feels called to a specific type of people or region, there are some churches who God calls to focus on a select group of people or a certain demographic group. There is definitely nothing wrong with this. It's just not us, right now. The ultimate is doing what God tells you to do in reaching your community. The DNA of every church and pastor is different. Thank God for diversity!

I hope you will try both services and then choose the service that God directs you to.

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