Monday, September 8, 2008

Marginal Living- Week 1

We got off to a great start this past weekend with the new series "Marginal Living." For those who may have missed it, we are talking about not living life so pushed to the limit and so close to the edge that we set ourselves up for failure. I believe Jesus wants us to live an "edgy" life, but not live "on the edge". He said, "I want you to have life, and life to the full."

The full life is found in creating margins in key areas of our lives: i.e. finances, morality, schedules and relationships. The first time I heard this concept was from an Andy Stanley message series entitled, "Take it to the Limit." He defined margin as "the extra, the reserve, the amount beyond what is needed." Just like books have margins, and highways have margins, we need margins in our lives to experience God's best.

These margins, or safety barriers, keep us from getting too far off course. I shared 3 consequences of decreased margins:

1. Stress increases

2. Our focus becomes "I" centered

3. Relationships suffer

This week, focus on what areas you need to create some margins in so you can stay on course.

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