Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where Were You On 9/11?

7 years ago today, Brian was in the shower preparing to go to work when I turned on the TV in our bedroom. The news anchors seemed a little confused as to the "breaking news" they were handed. The World Trade Center was on fire. No- wait- it was a plane crash. No one really knew for sure, but it was an unbelievable sight.

Just three years earlier, we had taken a group of young people to New York on a missions trip, and, as part of our sightseeing day, had gone to the top of the World Trade Center. Our oldest son, Joseph, was even with us. He was only 2 at the time. We have a great picture of the three of us on the observation deck (I was a nervous wreck--very windy).

The elevator ride to the top of WTC seemed supersonic--crazy fast. The view of NYC and the Statue of Liberty was amazing. It was a beautiful day. Brian and I are both glad we decided to take the group up.

As the rest of the morning of 9/11 unfolded, I was at home, glued to the news, mesmerized by the chain of events-- like everyone else.

In the years that followed, we were privileged to meet and have as a guest speaker to our church 9/11 survivor, Stanley Praimnath. I have never seen our church so still and quiet, as when Stanley told his story. It was incredible.

You can link to Stanley's story, order his book (which mentions Englewood!), or watch a video of his testimony from this previous post.

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