Sunday, January 24, 2010

In The Zone, Part 2 "Skittles"

Today was a truly amazing day at Faith Chapel. The Lord moved among us, and His presence was felt by everyone present. I feel this is a direct result of our hunger and thirst after Him. By beginning the new year with prayer and fasting, we have captured God's attention. Let us continue to seek after Him.

Part two in our "In the Zone" stewardship series is entitled, "Skittles." And everyone present received a package of Skittles. We looked at a man of God who definitely lived in the zone, Elijah (1 Kings 17:1-10;17-24). Here's the outline from today's message.

Elijah's In the Zone Life...
1. Through obedience, there are always resources- 1 Kings 17:2-6
2. There is always an ample supply- 1 Kings 17:6; 13,14
3. It takes faith to live above a poverty mentality- 1 Kings 17:7,8
4 The supply can come from unlikely sources- 1 Kings 17:4
5. When one source dries up, another comes- 1 Kings 17:7

First Things First Principle...
1. The First Day- Gen. 1:28
2. The First Fruits- Josh. 6:17
3. The First Born- Ex. 13:2
4. The First of the Firstfruits- Ex. 23:19; Gen. 4:3; Pro. 3:9,10

First Things First, Tithing...
1. The tithe belongs to God- Mal. 3:8,9
2. The tithe is brought, not given- Mal. 3:10
3. The tithe equals 10% of your earnings and increase-
4. The tithe is brought to the church- Mal. 3:10
5. The tithe allows the church to accomplish its mission- Mal. 3:10
6. The tithe is not only an Old Testament practice-
7. The tithe reveals your heart- Mt. 6:21

Resource: "In the Zone" by Ed Young Jr.

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