Monday, January 4, 2010

Daniel Fast Preparation

This is a week of preparation for our Daniel Fast starting next week. This is a time of prayerful reflection upon the Lord, and a time to be transparent and open before Him. I'm asking that each of you join with me in special times of prayer. The church will be open from 6:00am to 6:00pm for individual prayer. There will also be prayer requests scrolling up on the screens, including some missions requests.

For more information on our Daniel Fast, you can listen to my message from Sun., Jan. 3 entitled "Passageway to the Promise."

Spiritual preparation starts with repentance. I found myself in Psalm 51 today. I have read this passage many times, but today the first verse stood out to me. It states, "Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions." David wrote this psalm following the prophet Nathan's visit to him after committing adultery with Bathsheba. Reading the rest of the psalm, you feel and sense David's sorrow and grief. David knows where to turn after he has sinned. He knows the key to recovery from the depths of depravity and sin. David turns to God. But he doesn't just go to God, he acknowledges His "unfailing love," and "great compassion."

It hit me for the first time today. Repentance starts with going to God and then we begin to acknowledge His work of grace and loving conviction, bringing us to His love and compassion. Instead of being fearful, now we can enter into His presence knowing that His love and compassion toward us will always bring forgiveness. He was only waiting on us to come to Him and acknowledge our failures. With this confidence, we find ourselves free to confess everything the Lord brings to my mind. Walking in this truth today was liberating. Meditate on this passage for yourself and see what the Lord speaks to you.

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