Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sensational Christmas

We love this time of year. Spending time together, all the homemade goodies & great food, seeing extended family, etc. Of course, the kids can't wait for the presents!

Years ago, when I gave my heart to Jesus, Christmas began to take on a deeper meaning. And it's that Spirit that always seems to be present during our recent "Carols, Candles, and Communion" service.

As we celebrated Christ's birth as a church family, the entire experience was especially meaningful as we pulled up to the table of the Lord and remembered His birth, life and death for us. The message leading into communion was from 1 John 1:1-9.

The passage starts by addressing the senses, "which we have heard...seen...and our hands have touched." And that's exactly what Christmas does for me and so many others. It touches our senses. The lights, food, carols and family time all bring our senses to alert and draw us into the holiday. But the most moving expression isn't from festivities or family; but from the "life that appeared" on that first Christmas day in the form of a baby.

And the Apostle John reminds us that this is to make our "joy complete." Even the angel heralded the same message to the shepherds, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people (Lk. 2:10)."

How about you? Do you have the joy of Christmas this season? Or have the distractions of Christmas kept you from experiencing the real joy, Emmanuel- God with Us. I pray that you have a sensational Christmas by being able to sense the presence and experience the joy of Jesus.

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