Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Top 10 Ice Cream Places in KC: Stop #9- The Sweet Guy

Stop #9 on our summer ice cream places tour took us to The Sweet Guy, in Parkville, Mo. One of the side benefits of taking this tour was just getting to some places in KC that we've never been to before. I have never been to downtown Parkville. It's a interesting place, with lots of cute shops and restaurants. I'd like to go back and try dinner at Frank's. Looked good!

The gelato was expensive, but good. I think I'm starting to like gelato better than regular ice cream (not good for the budget). It was a nice evening, so we ate our gelato right on Main St. in a little courtyard. Afterwards, we drove up around Park University. Brian stopped at the old gym and took the boys in to see where he used to come up from Springfield with the CBC basketball team and play against Park.

And that's when it happened. Brian realized he didn't have his cell phone. The precious Blackberry. His world. His everything. His life. His e-god. The object that I have threatened (in my own mind) to throw out of our moving vehicle many, many times. :-)

Now it was Go Time. Go back and retrace our steps through downtown Parkville. Go to the gelato place (nope). Go to the courtyard (nope). Go to where we parked (nope). Go call the restaurant where we ate. Nope. Nothing.

So I called his number.......and someone actually answered! Unbelievable. His phone had "journeyed" about a 1/2 mile or so, but we tracked it down and got it back (bummer). Brian had left it in the courtyard and some girl picked it up. Our boys sure had a good laugh out of all this adventure.

If you're ever in Parkville, leave your cell phone in the car and enjoy some quiet time and gelato from The Sweet Guy.

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