During the month of June, we did "Buck Nights" every Wed. night after church. People could come down to the gym to hang out and get snacks like nachos, root beer floats, etc. for $1. A couple weeks ago, I spotted a little blonde cutie, sitting by herself with some nachos. I talked to her awhile and she gave me her name and told me how much she loves coming to church. I found out she rides to church with her sister on our van ministry. They both attend Mpact Girls Club.
That same Wed. night our Royal Rangers had all the boys do cards to their Dads for Father's Day. One boy, who attends with some neighbors, made the card below for his Dad. It's hard to read so here is the text:
"Dear Dad I know you haven't been there for us because you are in jail but you love me and I love you. That's the best thing about Father's Day."
We must be passionate for kids! We must serve in areas of children's ministries. We need quality, committed, and willing adults to serve in our nurseries, kids church, and Wed. night activities. I truly believe we have many great and loving people in our church that could be involved with kids in some way. Is it you?
I'm going to get on a soapbox here, but how can our church have such a heart for outreach, yet lack volunteers in our own children's ministries? It's not right.
Don't get me wrong, I love outreach and I think healthy churches have strong outreach. But are we cancelling ourselves out if we don't do our best for our own kids or the neighborhood kids God sends us? Why is it easier to get people to pass out a sack of groceries vs. changing a diaper or reading a story to precious little ones in our own building?
Come on. We can all contribute to the future of a child. Let's get passionate for kids!