Saturday, April 5, 2008

Effort Is A Skill

During the week of endless media analysis leading up to the Final Four, I heard a commentator talking about Tyler Hansbrough from the University of North Carolina.

He was quoting several NBA scouts who said that Tyler had "zero" pro skills. The thought among some scouts is "great college player/limited potential as a pro".

Seriously, this is a 1st Team All-American & College Player of the Year they are talking about. No pro skills???

But then the commentator made a great point. He said, "the scouts are overlooking the most important skill: Effort. EFFORT IS A SKILL!"

It reminded me of when Brian and I were starting out in full time ministry. Trust me when I say, we had zero skills. We did not grow up in church, we weren't pastor's kids, we weren't even deacons' kids :) The first youth camp we ever attended was as youth pastors (not good).

But there is one thing that helped us succeed: EFFORT. We didn't know what we were doing, but we sure worked hard at it!

2 Corinthians 12:9 talks about how God makes up the difference when we lack "talent skills". The apostle Paul certainly didn't lack effort, but God decided to teach him humility anyway.

Do you feel like you're not talented enough to accomplish what you've been called to do? You're not. That's how God wants it.



Anonymous said...

Jen, Great!!I love being reminded of how our God makes up for our short comings! Durning this job searching, with the "age" factor, ect., It is a pressure releaver to know he is still able. Our lives never go quite according to our plans. These sharp turns in the road can be "intresting" and can cause whip lash if we let it:) Love to you, Patty G.
PS Keep up the Good work!

Jennifer said...

Thanks, Patty. It's always good to be reminded that He Is Able.