Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Freedom Is Not Free- D.C. part 2

Korean War Memorial
Today was a very full day. We started off by going to the Embassy of Kuwait for a reception and prayer service. While you are on the property of an international embassy, you are technically on that country's sovereign soil. So we behaved!
We then went to the White House for a one mile prayer walk around the outside of the property, and we ended up outside the Executive Office Building for an official White House briefing from the President's staff and other government officials. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to government officials talk about the importance of prayer in their lives. You could sense their personal faith and connection with Christ. Powerful!

After a quick dinner at Union Station, we toured the Vietnam, Korean and Lincoln Memorials. For me this is always a somber time of reflection and thankfulness. I reflect upon the great sacrifice and commitment of those who have served our country, and I'm extremely grateful for this country and our freedom. By the Pool of Remembrance in the Korean War Veteran's Memorial is the etching, "Freedom is not Free." This is not only true in our civil life, but also in our spiritual life. Think about the sacrifice of Christ that purchased our freedom.

Above: Kuwait Embassy

Executive Office Building prayer briefing

Washington D.C.

This week I'm in the nation's capital with my son's 6th grade class. I'll try to keep you updated on our activities throughout the week.

Sunday: Joe & I arrived early before the rest of the group and took in the Washington Nationals vs. Chicago Cubs baseball game. Maybe the best baseball stadium I've ever been in! ESPN Zone in the evening.

Monday: Great day except for the rain. We started the day off by going to the Pentagon which is the headquarters for the Defense Department and houses all branches of the U. S. Armed Forces: Army, Navy, Marine Corp, Air Force and Coast Guard.

This is one of my favorite tours in DC. With 17.5 miles of corridors and enough wires to wrap around the planet 4 1/2 times, it's impressive. We got to see the new 911 Memorial Chapel that remembers all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.

A quick stop at the Jefferson Memorial in a downpour and then off to the National Cathedral. This place is awesome! They started building it in 1907 and didn't finish it until 1990 and is taken from Gothic architecture. Built out of Bedford Limestone from Indiana (go Hoosiers) it was really a dream of President George Washington who wanted "a great church for national purposes in the capital city."

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pink Impact Night

All ladies here in the KC area are invited to Englewood Ministries on Wed., April 30 at 7pm for an evening with the girls at Pink Impact. There will be giveaways, desserts, pink punch, a short devotional, and...shopping!

Paco Designs of Lenexa, Ks will be displaying lots of great items including designer and knock-off purses, jewelry, etc. Special personalized jewelry items for Mother's Day too.

So if you need to get Mom a gift for Mother's Day, or just want to treat yourself...this is your night. Invite a friend and we'll see you on Wednesday night! You can email me if you have any questions at revross12@comcast.net.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Bodies Revealed at Union Station

This week, I had the opportunity to view the Bodies Revealed exhibit at Union Station. It was definitely a fascinating experience. Try to go if you can. Our Creator is incredible!

Psalm 139:13-16 Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb. I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day. (MSG)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

KC Chiefs All Pro Dad Father & Kids Experience

Coming up on Saturday, May 3rd @ 9:00 a.m. - noon is the KC Chiefs All Pro Dad Father & Kids Experience at Arrowhead Stadium. Come and join Coach Herm Edwards for a fun filled, interactive time with your children. Cost is $15 for a father + up to 4 kids. Recommended for ages 5 & up.

Watch the promo video and then click on the All Pro Dad image in the upper left hand corner to register. I hope to see you at Arrowhead! I know my sons, Joseph and Braeden, can't wait.

**For all you monthly All Pro Dads and kids, this will take the place of our regularly scheduled May meeting.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Door of Hope

We open all kinds of doors everyday: bedroom doors, car doors, office doors, glass doors, screen doors, refrigerator doors, etc. Heck, even our pets have doors. This very simple metaphor was probably chosen by Christ because of its commonality. He said, "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture... I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:9,10)

But life can be disappointing at times. And it seems we continue to walk through the wrong doors and can't find that abundant life God desires for us. Sickness, being layed-off, relationship problems, car trouble, loneliness, financial pressure, unfulfilled dreams, or loss of a loved one can send our lives into a freefall.

When things like this happen, we ask, "Why is this happening to me?" In troubled times, let's remember Hosea 2:15, “There I[God]... will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope.”

The word Achor is translated, "trouble." God is saying to you today, when you find yourself in the valley of trouble, I will provide a door of hope! And the good news is, it's a door that no one can shut. “See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.”

If you find yourself in a valley of trouble, step through The Door of Hope right now by saying a prayer and asking God for help.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Formula For Creativity

In part 1, we talked about the 4 Conditions For Creativity. Anyone can incorporate these four conditions into their life or work. But as for pastors and ministry leaders, we can think of church idea planning and ministry creativity using the following formula:

Inspiration + Creativity + Anointing = Interest = Impact

Ideas are inspired by God; creativity adds relevance; the anointing brings significance. These 3 added together equal high interest which equals the greatest potential impact on the lives of the people you serve.

Like many churches, we must be creative within the realm of our resources. That's both people and money. We don't have a Media or Creative department just waiting to transform our Sunday services into a stunning visual arts production. Nor do we have unlimited finances. That's okay. But God doesn't want us to sit around being creatively lazy either.

Lack of creativity in whatever area you are involved = BORING. Do you teach a boring class (always the same format)? Do you have a boring small group (never anything different, not even the food)? Are you a boring ministry volunteer (that same disposition every Sunday)? Are you a boring parent (the same daily routine)? Are you a boring friend (never an encouraging word)? Are you a boring worshipper (never bringing anything fresh or costly to God)? I Chron. 21:24

Do something different.

Ask God to inspire your thoughts and then ask Him to anoint your plan for creating change.

Get involved in something.

Quit sitting around complaining and waiting for other people to change things.

Get creative!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

4 Conditions For Creativity

Being creative is a big part of life and leadership. Ideas, strategies, & illustrations all start somewhere. To cultivate creativity, sometimes the right conditions must be in place. Where does it all start? As Christ followers, we serve the ultimate "Creative Planner", God Himself. So let's start there.

4 Conditions For Creativity:

  1. Creativity requires PRAYER. The best kind of creativity is a "holy creativity". Ideas don't always have to be born out of a huge time of prayer & fasting, but they should be inspired by God. Brian & I pray that even the thoughts that drop into our heads as we're watching a movie or TV, sitting at a sporting event, listening to music, sipping a Starbucks, or traveling will all be God-thoughts. **The idea for iListen came from watching "Don't Forget the Lyrics". Once God drops the idea, then our responsibility is to pray over the details, timing, and direction of that idea.

  2. Creativity requires TIME. Once in a while, ideas will come quick and easy. Most of the time, you need to carve out "creative time". Start with the calendar. What holidays or events are coming up that you can theme around? Whether you're planning for a church, a class, family vacation, athletic team, or your meals for the week--you need time to think. Old school it with a yellow pad & pen if you have to!

  3. Creativity requires KNOWLEDGE. You won't be creative if your head is in the sand--spiritually or pop-culturally. Plugging into books, articles, blogs :-) and podcasts will increase your knowledge and inspire you. Guess what--whatever you're idea is...somebody's probably already done it! So find out what they did and how they did it and then make it your own. Also, being up on pop-culture broadens your creative opportunities and jump starts interest in your activity or topic.

  4. Creativity requires TEAMWORK. You can increase your creative potential by involving others in the process. You need outside input. Brainstorm and bounce your idea off others. You may find out your idea....stinks! Don't get defensive; you were just saved from a big embarrassment! Or someone may add that missing element that moves your idea from good to great! Insecure people will rarely ask for the input of others. They may tell you about their idea, but never ask for your opinion or help. Use teamwork. You'll get there faster, smarter, and better than you would by yourself.

In part 2, we'll talk specifically about God's Creative Formula for ministry leaders.

Recommended reading: The Creative Leader by Ed Young, Jr.; Can We Do That? by Andy Stanley and Ed Young, Jr.; Reaching Your Dreams by Tommy Barnett

Monday, April 14, 2008

You're A Winner! 4 Keys To Being An Encourager

As a pastor, I perform a number of cermonies like weddings, baby dedications, and funerals. I generally put a lot of effort into these occasions, as they are very important events in peoples' lives.

In fact, for me, preparing a funeral message can sometimes take just as much time as preparing for a Sunday message. I try to make each funeral special and memorable for the family and friends who will gather.

As I was preparing for one such funeral recently, I was reminded of what it means to be an encourager. Throughout my years here in Kansas City, Sister Elizabeth Pascuzzi had been an encourager of mine. She would agree in prayer with me about anything. She would often call me to tell me how much she "loved me", and that I was going to have a "super fantastic day". And every single time she would end the conversation with "Pastor Brian, don't forget.....you're a winner!"

You know, everyone can be an encourager, lifting people up and adding value to their lives. Here are 4 Keys To Being An Encourager:

1. Encouragers commit themselves to giving others encouragement daily: Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca observed, "Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness." If you want to lift people up, do it daily.

2. Encouragers know the little difference that separates hurting and helping: The little things you do every day have a greater impact on others than you might think. You hold the power to make another person's life better or worse by the things you do today. Those closest to you—your spouse, children, or parents—are most affected by what you say and do. So are the people you come into contact with every day at work. Use that power wisely.

3. Encouragers initiate the positive in a negative environment: It's one thing to be positive in a positive or neutral environment. It's another to be an instrument of change in a negative environment. Yet that's what encouragers try to do. Sometimes that requires a kind word, other times it takes action, and occasionally it calls for creativity.

4. Encouragers understand life is not a dress rehearsal: Here's a quote I've always loved: "I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." People who lift others don't wait until tomorrow or some other better day to help people. They act now!

Remember, YOU'RE A WINNER!

*Adaptations from 12/26/07 article by John C. Maxwell on businessweek.com. Read the entire article here.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Idol Worship

Did you catch the Top 8 American Idols performing the worship song "Shout to the Lord"? They actually sang it twice: Wed. night and again Thurs. night. I couldn't believe my ears. I kept thinking, "what is Simon thinking right now?" Better yet, "what is Darlene Zschech thinking right now?"

I have to tell you that it was really good. I felt something. Couldn't tell for sure if it was the anointing I sensed, or if it was just a previously implanted reaction to a worship song that I love and has meaning to me. Make any sense?

Question: Does God actually anoint (i.e. reveal His presence) in situations like that? Jim Cymbala, pastor of The Brooklyn Tabernacle, had a recent quote in which he said, "God doesn't anoint songs. He anoints the people who sing the songs." The context of his remarks were surrounding the process by which they select their choir members, and the standards they hold them to. Okay, I agree with this. I mean, come on, if Madonna was singing Shout to the Lord....

But, I have read/heard that a few of the Idols (Brooke, David A., Kristy) have some Christian influences in their lives. Who knows how they really live, but if it's true they are Christians, then "when 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them." That's the presence of God!

I'm no theologian by far, but I think the key here is "gather in my name" or "because of me". I'm pretty sure that soundstage full of Hollywood people weren't there in Jesus' name. On the other hand, don't we serve an awesome and fearless God bold enough to declare Himself among the unbelieving multitude?

Enough debate. I know one thing: one day, every knee will bow.

I was going to post the video for you, but I noticed our friend Jason Allen of LifeConnection Church already did. So click here to watch the performance. Enjoy and decide for yourself.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Top 5 List: Royals Opening Day '08

Our family got a chance to attend the Royals Opening Day game vs. the Yankees on Tuesday. The 4 of us had never been to an opening day together, so it was a family first.

Thanks to our good friend Mike Miller for getting the tickets. Mike, I don't know how you do it.....

Here's my Opening Day Top 5 List :

5. A-Rod struck out 4 times going 0-4. He may not do that again the entire season.

4. The smell of dogs on the grill. Really, what's better than the smell at the ol' ballpark.

3. Joe's amazing "Dad, I got another baseball!" streak is alive in '08. He somehow manages to get the players and/or coaches to throw him at least one ball every game. It's truly unbelievable. We think it started in '06. He got one on Opening Day from the Yankees' Melky Cabrera. Take him to a game; he'll get you a baseball and maybe an autograph!

2. The new Crown Vision (minus the crown) video board is gi-normous. You just keep staring at the High Def. screen. Lots of new stats too, like OPS. We had to come home and look that one up. Anybody know what it is without looking it up? Don't cheat.

1. Of course, spending time with family & friends watching a Royals victory!

Monday, April 7, 2008


Rock Chalk, Baby!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Effort Is A Skill

During the week of endless media analysis leading up to the Final Four, I heard a commentator talking about Tyler Hansbrough from the University of North Carolina.

He was quoting several NBA scouts who said that Tyler had "zero" pro skills. The thought among some scouts is "great college player/limited potential as a pro".

Seriously, this is a 1st Team All-American & College Player of the Year they are talking about. No pro skills???

But then the commentator made a great point. He said, "the scouts are overlooking the most important skill: Effort. EFFORT IS A SKILL!"

It reminded me of when Brian and I were starting out in full time ministry. Trust me when I say, we had zero skills. We did not grow up in church, we weren't pastor's kids, we weren't even deacons' kids :) The first youth camp we ever attended was as youth pastors (not good).

But there is one thing that helped us succeed: EFFORT. We didn't know what we were doing, but we sure worked hard at it!

2 Corinthians 12:9 talks about how God makes up the difference when we lack "talent skills". The apostle Paul certainly didn't lack effort, but God decided to teach him humility anyway.

Do you feel like you're not talented enough to accomplish what you've been called to do? You're not. That's how God wants it.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Mom's Prayer Rhythm

I try to pray for my family every day. As a current stay-at-home Mom, my time with God takes place in the mornings, after everyone heads out the door. I'll catch up on articles, emails, books, devotionals, etc. And I'll pray over Brian and the kids. I am blessed to be able to have time to do these things, as I know many women work, which makes finding quiet time very challenging.

I'll be honest, I'm not a big, long prayer person. Even though I'm a pastor's wife, I don't want to come off as some major prayer warrior or something, because I'm not. I'm getting better, but I usually on average spend about 15-20 minutes total in just prayer. And I'm often guilty of being really burdened for the "hot topic" in our lives, and solely focusing on that.

My "prayer rhythm" can include praying in the shower, car (w/o kids!), as I'm doing housework, cruising the grocery store, or while I'm cooking. It's rarely the stereotypical sitting on the couch or bed with my Bible open and eyes shut :-)

I have found that if I am not "filled up" with God's Word and through prayer, then I will have little that my family or church can "drink" from. I can't afford to be a dry well. In fact, if I'm not filled up, I may actually drain them! God does speak truth to me, and when He does I try to really soak it up and/or write it down. If He gives me a word of encouragement for someone else, I try to call, email, or text them.

Here's my typical prayers over our family:

Braeden (5)- God's favor, protection, health, rest, patience, ability to learn, be *nice*, don't let him run away

Joe (12) - most of the above + desire for the things of God, the right friendships, the right attitude & actions, ability to focus, his future life, his future wife

Brian- wisdom, leadership, direction, courage, health, rest, creativity, kindness & patience, ability to focus & prioritize, God's favor & blessing. I pray every day for God to send & surround Brian with encouraging people that appreciate him. The ministry can be so negative and he needs people that raise him up, not drain the life out of him. I pray that his time to pray, read the Word, & study for messages be somehow multiplied. A church can only rise to the level of the leader; so the leader must be constantly growing.

Do you have a Prayer Rhythm in your life?

Above: The objects of most of my prayers on vacation in Orlando

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

7 Characteristics of Chronic Cancelers

Do you know people who cancel almost everything? They have the best of intentions, but something always gets in the way. Let me introduce you to...The Chronic Cancelers.

7 Characteristics of Chronic Cancelers:
  1. Unreliable. Chronic cancelers are unreliable and undependable because they always find a reason not to show up. They are good people, but they frequently let you down and put you in a bind.

  2. Unorganized. Chronic cancelers don't manage their schedule well. Do they even look at their schedule?? They overlook & overbook. They have to cancel on you because they overlooked a previous commitment. Or they've booked their week so full that now they're too tired to fulfill their next commitment.

  3. Unprioritized. Chronic cancelers will cancel on you if something or someone better comes up.

  4. Unhealthy. Is it me, or do chronic cancelers seem to be sick ALL THE TIME? I think they're really just tired from all the commitments they make and can't fulfill.

  5. Undetectable. At first, chronic cancelers are difficult to identify. They appear to have it going on. They look put together and say all the right things, and so you are tempted to connect with them. It won't take long for you to find out the level of their integrity.

  6. Unprepared. Chronic cancelers are forced to cancel certain obligations because they are just not ready. They have procrastinated themselves into a dilemma: Be embarrassed or cancel. It's easier for them to make up an excuse and cancel rather than expose their own unpreparedness.

  7. Unmotivated. Chronic cancelers are usually LAZY. They don't want to have to arrive early or stay late. They don't want to have to prepare. They are not motivated towards achievement but rather are satisfied to just...be. "Ahhh...let's just cancel it."

Chronic Cancelers are mysterious and frustrating. They never realize the possibilities God has placed before them. Everyone else can see their potential but them.

Psalm 112 describes people who worship God and gladly obey His teachings as "dependable and not afraid, and they will live to see their enemies defeated."

Hey, everybody cancels once in a while. We've all done it. Things happen. It's ok to cancel and/or re-schedule! But we must guard ourselves against being known as Chronic Cancelers.