Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Fire Away

We have a Prayer Partner ministry here at our church that meets rotationally during the Sunday morning services. Each week a team of people, led by a Prayer Captain, pray over the service, guests, and church family. This ministry is so vital to everything we do.

One of our prayer captains, Keith Prince, gave me his team's strategic prayer sheet. I was so impressed with the content, I'll post it in segments. (Most of the content comes from the book God's Armor Bearer).

Today, I want to share with you the illustration on Strategic Prayer. Strategic prayer is likened to firing a rifle and Common Prayer to firing a shotgun. The results vary greatly. Both can get the job done, but a rifle shot can travel a greater distance and has a powerful impact on a specific target. Also, rifles have the ability to rapid fire multiple shots. With a shotgun, you point and spray, hoping to get a few pellets into the target.

While shotgun prayers have their place (when we're in a hurry, emergency, or simply don't know how to pray), rifle prayers have the greater impact. Knowing what you're aiming for and firing in the same direction will yield powerful results. Fire Away!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great illustration of how to pray. Prayers must be specific and answers should be expected without any doubt or double-mindedness. If you want someone to know that you care for them, tell them and then pray specifically for their need. Thanks for the opportunity to share in the Englewood Ministry.