Thursday, August 30, 2007

Powerful Phrases of Positive People

Read an interview this morning with Rich Devos , 73rd wealthiest American, founder of Amway, and owner of the NBA's Orlando Magic. The whole interview is great but one thing really caught me. Rich is 80 years old, a devoted Christian, and working on a new book, Powerful Phrases of Positive People. Here are a few phrases:

I'm wrong.
I'm sorry.
I trust you.
I'm proud of you!
I luv ya!

Don't you just love learning about the life approach of successful people? I do. Good stuff!

1 comment:

Shep said...

hey Jennifer, I talked to Brian yesterday and he told me about your writing. Good job. Keep it up. I also have attempted to blog - but doubt that anyone has come across my ruminations in cyber-space. If you want to check it out, one of them is at www . jamescamelknees . blogspot . com

