Monday, September 20, 2010

"Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my HOPE is in you all day long."
Psalm 25:5

How does one possess a hope that last all day long? Many times we are challenged to hold on to hope for even an hour depending on the circumstances. There is one way to having and maintaining hope that last through out the day.

1. Position yourself to find hope- The best position is always on your knees. Recognizing that God is our source of comfort, strength and hope; you take your rightful and meek position under His care and watchful eye. By reaching the conclusion you need Him and turning to Him; you are now in a place to receive His grace and wisdom. This verse starts with the word "guide." It's an obvious prayer asking for God's help. To be hopeful, we all need God's help.

2. Purpose to know the truth- In this verse David is asking to be led in the truth. He was an intelligent man and a quite capable leader; however, he was also keening aware of man's own selfish desires and heart. So instead of relying on his own wisdom, he asks God to guide him in truth. We shouldn't trust in our own understanding, but "in all our ways acknowledge him and he will make our paths straight." He is the God of truth.

3. Patiently wait to be taught- The Lord imparts wisdom to those who wait patiently before Him. There is a wisdom of this world, but it is lacking compared to the ways of God. God reminds us of this in Isaiah 55:8, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD." If we learn God's ways and do things His way, there is always hope.

If you do these three things, you will find yourself on the roadway to hope that last all day and everyday.

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