Monday, October 13, 2008

Leadership Development

Each Monday morning I meet with someone for a time of mentoring on the subject of leadership. Recently we have been going through John Maxwell's, "Developing the Leader within You." I have probably read the book or watched the curriculum at least a half a dozen times. And every time I do, I learn something new.

This is most likely because each time I'm at a different place in my life and ministry. Today I was struck with one simple thought, "in leadership you must love people." I know that not everyone who loves people is naturally a good leader. However, I also don't any good leaders who don't sincerely love people.

I'm definitely not saying that I'm a good leader, but I do love being around people. When things aren't going so well, the natural tendency for many people is to run away and hide. I call for a party, the more the better. I draw strength from people and love the interaction .

People are what makes leading fun... and sometimes frustrating. But without people, you aren't really leading. So the more you value and love people, the greater your leadership will be.

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