Thursday, October 9, 2008

Book Review: For Young Men Only

Book: For Young Men Only
Authors: Jeff Feldhahn & Eric Rice with Shaunti Feldhahn
Buy it here: Amazon

Reviewed by Jake Ganote, age 20:

Do you wonder what girls are really thinking? Have you ever thought that a girl really liked you until you found out she just considered you really good friends? Is the search for the perfect girl leading you to believe that you are destined to be alone?

The answers to these questions and many more can be found in FYMO. This book was designed to take you behind the scenes of The World of Girl; to place you in her shoes; to see things from her perspective. After all, who knows girls better than girls? In fact, this book polled over 1,000 girls nationwide, seeking answers to many of the questions otherwise left unanswered. Here is your chance to get the inside scoop on girls from girls themselves.

Never has a book this interesting been written for young men. This was a book I looked forward to reading. A book that made me reflect on things past. This should be one book that young men are required to read before entering into any form of a dating relationship. Not only has it given me a new found respect for girls, but it also helps me become the prince charming all men want to be.

Often times we forget that men and women are wired differently and that makes the lines of communication that much more difficult. When you begin to understand the way a woman thinks, you are able to dive deeper into a relationship that satisfies the needs of you and your partner. I found that many of the ways I tried to gain respect were the ways I would want to be respected but not necessarily the way a woman feels

Chances are that if you are reading this review you already have an interest in developing a long lasting relationship with a girl. There would be no better way than to study God’s Word to see how he intended relationships and use this book to supplement the Word.

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