Friday, September 21, 2007

Crunch Time

Well, the new chairs are in. This is only good news if you are 5' tall or less. Or you sit in the balcony. If you were here Wednesday night for the Cowan appreciation service, then you know what I'm talking about.

But it's OK! It was a mistake and the installers will be back on Monday, Oct. 1 to re-install the chairs. We will, however, have to go through 2 Sundays with the short seats. By the way, they look and feel FANTASTIC. Sharp observers will notice that there are a few random rows and an entire section (far right, closest to the nurseries) that were installed at the proper measurements. Tall people are advised to arrive early the next 2 Sundays! :) Does anything ever turn out the way you planned? "Be anxious for nothing..."

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