Friday, February 27, 2009


I am glad you found us here on our new blog. As you know, I am now the senior pastor of Faith Chapel Assembly of God in Spring Valley, California. We are leaving Englewood Assembly in Independence, Missouri after 17 years. It's hard to believe sometimes, but God is truly calling us to move out of our comfort zone and into a brand new area of ministry. That is exciting!

We had a warm and gracious send-off from Englewood. We will forever treasure our memories, friendships, and growth there. We will continually pray for this church and anticipate God doing some awesome things through new leadership.

Jennifer, Joe, Brian, Braeden at Englewood going-away reception

The past couple of weeks have been extremely busy. Flying back and forth between San Diego and Kansas City has made things a little crazy. I find myself looking forward to the time when I get to SD on a full-time basis.

Things are off to a good start at Faith Chapel, but there is still a lot for a new guy to learn and catch up on. The people have been amazingly friendly and kind. It feels like home already. I hope to start posting on a more regular basis during the week of March 9th, so check back. You'll hear all about what God is up to with me personally, at Faith Chapel, and in our family. Also, you can follow me on Facebook. It's going to be fun!

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